Mindfulness-based teaching & supervision
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One-to-One Mindfulness for Life - 8 Week Course

Online - Zoom


Regular mindfulness meditation has a high quality, scientific evidence-base around improving people's ability to cope with stress and manage physical and emotional difficulties.

This course provides the opportunity for you to learn secular mindfulness-based meditation with the support of an experienced mindfulness teacher.

The teacher provides information on the theories underlying mindfulness meditation, guides formal meditation practices and discussions during each session.

What is expected of a course participant?

  • To be available to attend a 30 minute, one-to-one online screening session prior to the course to check that this is the right course for you.
  • To commit to regular home practice. This will be 30 minutes per day of formal practice, in addition to other shorter informal practices that will integrate with your daily life.
  • To attend as many sessions as possible, on time.
  • A stable computer with a broadband internet connection, a camera, microphone and speakers.
  • A private space to attend online sessions.


This course costs £350. For this you receive 8 weekly sessions (14 hours), pdf handouts and links to download the guided meditations.

The costs can be paid in total or weekly. This will be discussed in a free one-to-one screening session before the course starts.

How to apply

Contact me with your availability and I will endeavour to arrange a session time at your convenience.

Please check your spam/junk folder if you have not heard from me within 5 working days.

About the teacher

Sarah Pace

Hello! I have 15 years experience in delivering evidence-based psychotherapies in various NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services around the UK. This led to my interest in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) as a relapse prevention tool for recurrent clinical depression.